
Do You Really Need Rental Insurance?

If you are currently renting, there are many benefits to holding a rental insurance policy to protect yourself and your belongings. Here Are 10 key Reasons Why You Need Rental Insurance: Your landlord’s insurance does not cover your stuff. If there was a fire, the landlords coverage would repair the building itself but will not

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5 Key Tips for Buying Home Insurance

Purchasing home insurance can be overwhelming. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or a longtime homeowner, we’ve included our top five best tips for buying home insurance to make it easier for you. Successfully compare insurance options, right-size your deductible, understand how discounts can reduce your insurance premium and more! Tips like these (and

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Protect Your Company Against Social Engineering & Cyber Scams

You say “It will never happen to me”.   You may think your business isn’t a target to cyber crime.  But we want to make sure you know that Social Engineering claims do not have a target audience!  At Walsh Duffield, we have seen both small and large businesses alike fall victim to preventable cyber crimes.

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COVID-19 News: Free At-home Tests Are Now Available

Good news! Each household in the U.S. can now have four free COVID-19 at-home tests shipped directly to their home at no cost! All you need to do is visit COVIDtests.gov and enter your contact information and mailing address. The tests are rapid antigen “at-home” or “self” tests — not PCR tests which require a

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Navigating Choice This Open Enrollment

There is a difference between having a choice and making a choice. Open enrollment is in full swing, which sheds light on the tough decisions that employers and employees need to make this time of year.  Over the past 50 years, we have seen a great shift in how employers offer benefits to their employees. 

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Expanding Compensation Packages without Extra Costs: Voluntary Benefits

  According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 78% of employees said the benefit package offered by an employer is either “extremely” or “very” important in their decision of whether to accept a job offer. Yet at the same time, the cost of many benefits, particularly healthcare, is rising. To bridge the gap between what

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