Disability Income

Prepare for Everything

In the unfortunate event that you become sick or injured, is your family prepared? If you and your loved ones are not prepared with the financial resources necessary to survive, it’s time to help protect yourself with Disability Insurance. With paid premiums, an individual policy can provide your family with a tax-free income stream while you are unable to work.

Do You Have a Plan if You’re Unable to Work?

You’re Thinking of the “What If?”

Your Employer Doesn’t Offer Coverage

Do you have a plan if you’re unable to work? What if you’re not asking, “What if?” enough? How are you handling disability coverage if it’s not being offered by your employer? You’re struggling to find answers to questions about disability income, and you need a proven, reliable resource that can help.

Finding the right coverage is an aggregation of many factors. We’ll help you understand what these are and how they can affect your policy.

Factors include:

  • Your age
  • Your health (including pre-existing medical conditions)
  • Your occupation (less physical labor equals lower costs)
  • Amount of:
    • Monthly benefits
    • Waiting period
    • Optional coverage

Contact Me About
Disability Income

Richard Godshaw – VBS

Vice President
Group Benefit Solutions

Contact Information

Direct Phone: 716-362-7367

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