Long Term Care

Care for Your Life

Long Term Care Insurance helps pay for the care needed when you are unable to do everyday activities without assistance. In order to improve the quality of life for those chronic, long-term conditions, you must be prepared for whatever the future brings. Long Term Insurance can also help protect an individual’s investments and savings.

You Want to Protect What You’ve Worked For

How Much Can You Rely on Medicare or Medicaid?

Who is Going to Help When You Can No Longer Take Care of Yourself?

You’ve worked hard for everything you’ve earned in life—it’s only right that you should protect it. As for getting older, how much can you rely on Medicare or Medicaid? Who is going to help you when you can no longer take care of yourself? Right now, thinking about the long term has never been more important.

There are at least three different care plans you can choose from. Let’s talk about your vision for the future and find every opportunity to bring it to fruition.

Care Plans:

  • Traditional Long Term Care
  • New York State Partnership for Long Term Care
  • Hybrid: Combine a life insurance policy with a long-term care plan and/or critical illness rider to help pay for long-term care situations.

Contact Me About
Long Term Care Plan

Richard Godshaw – VBS

Vice President
Group Benefit Solutions

Contact Information

Direct Phone: 716-362-7367

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