
Staying Safe & Well Among COVID-19

While there are still many uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 virus, there are simple steps that we can take to keep both our workplace and our families safe and well. Keeping your workplace safe To protect your team and keep your business up and running, there are a few key steps to encourage employees to take:

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Emotional Intelligence: Building a Positive Work Culture

There are many employee interactions occurring in the workplace every day, and it is important that they are both productive and positive. Having employees that are resilient, adaptable and able to deal with emotions in a positive way not only leads to a healthier, happier workforce but also one that is more successful as an

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How Wellness Programs Can Prevent Workers Comp Claims

One of the principal cost drivers of workers’ compensation claims are medical expenses for the treatment of job-related injuries and illnesses. Important indicators of how some claims become high dollar expenses are claims with a comorbidity diagnosis (multiple medical conditions or ailments) which, studies show, are likely to generate twice the cost of other claims.

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How to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

The majority of people make some type of healthy New Year’s resolution. More often than not, these resolutions are quite lofty.  We tell ourselves that this is going to be the year we become a morning person and run five miles before work, adopt a strict vegan food plan or eliminate every grain of sugar

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Managing Stress This Holiday Season: 8 Holiday Frenzy Survival Tips

“Tis the season to be jolly!”  That’s what they say, right? The holiday season is upon us and with that usually comes the fun of holiday parties, shopping, family gatherings, traveling … oh, and don’t forget the elevated heart rate.  All of the expectations and obligations of this time of year (not to mention year-end

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What’s In Your Lunchbox?

There is tremendous confusion about what to eat. Often the food choices people make are full of calories yet lack the nutritional value the body needs. This confusion leads to expanding waistlines, low energy and rising rates of type 2 and now type 3 diabetes and obesity-related illnesses. The American Diabetes Association’s National Healthy Lunch

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The Workplace Wellness Evolution

Most people can agree that health, happiness, and productivity at work are related concepts.  Companies have a unique opportunity to foster all three, with a workplace wellbeing program.  During the last decade, workplace wellbeing programs have become commonplace, but what makes a program successful? When trying to figure out the “special sauce” that makes a

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Type 3 Diabetes – Is it really a thing?

We used to think there were only two types of diabetes—the type you’re born with (Type 1) and the type brought about by a combination of negative lifestyle factors (Type 2).  A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology summarizes that the term “Type 3 diabetes” represents a form of diabetes that

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Court Vacates EEOC’s Wellness Rules for 2019

On Dec. 20, 2017, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia vacated key provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) final rules for employer-sponsored wellness plans. However, to avoid disruption to employers, the court stayed its ruling until Jan. 1, 2019. The EEOC’s final rules allow employers to offer wellness incentives of

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