
COVID-19 News: Free At-home Tests Are Now Available

Good news! Each household in the U.S. can now have four free COVID-19 at-home tests shipped directly to their home at no cost! All you need to do is visit and enter your contact information and mailing address.

The tests are rapid antigen “at-home” or “self” tests — not PCR tests which require a lab drop-off. The “at-home” or “self” tests can be taken anywhere and give results within 30 minutes.

Guard against scammers trying to steal your personal information. When ordering tests, use the official, secure government website:  If you prefer to order by phone, you may call – 1-800-232-0233.  Watch out for phone scammers, too. If you get a phone call requesting information so that free at-home tests can be mailed to you, hang up — it’s a scam!

Remember: Medicare pays for COVID-19 tests performed by a lab, such as PCR or antigen/rapid tests, at no cost to you when the test is ordered by your Primary Care Physician or a specialist.

If you or someone you know has questions about this program or any other Medicare-related topics, the Walsh Duffield Medicare Team is here to help.


The Walsh Duffield Medicare Team

Paula L. Venné – Medicare Consultant
Direct: 716-362-7316 ǀ Cell: 716-255-1593

Kathy Thomson – Medicare Account Executive
Direct: 716-362-2439 ǀ Cell: 716-435-1862 

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